Join a Team



Take your next step by sharing your gifts with the church, moving the mission forward, and making some friends along the way 😁 🙌

“…use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace…” (1 Peter 4:10)

Get Involved

Explore our teams to find and team just for you.

We believe part of living your most fulfilled life includes serving in a local church. We know God designed you with unique gifts, passions, and talents, and we want to help you find a place to use them! We have Build Teams that serve in all areas of Life Touch—from greeting first-time guests to leading groups and setting up for events.

To join a Build Team, your first step is to attend Growth Path, where you’ll discover your part in God’s story and find opportunities to grow here. God has given each of us time and talents that can be leveraged to reach and restore our neighborhoods, cities, and the world. We would love to help you use your God-given gifts to contribute here at LIFE TOUCH and help people to follow Jesus.

Whether you like working behind the scenes or right up front, with kids or with adults, remotely or in-person – we’re confident we have an opportunity for you to contribute.

Where are you called to serve?

Volunteer FAQ

How do I volunteer?

Fill out the volunteer application. Then, send us your application via email or call the office. One of the volunteer managers will get back to you as soon as possible! Our operating hours are Tuesdays to Fridays from 9 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  

What is expected of me?

Expectations will vary from role to role; however you can be certain that there will be a process in place to ensure that you are equipped and trained.  Every role has an assigned leader whose responsibility is to set you up to win. The most important thing you can do is to show up and be ready to go when you say you will.  Should you have any questions about what is expected of you be sure to talk with your assigned leader.  Good, timely, open communication is the best method to ensure the serving opportunity is a good fit for both you and the ministry.

How do I begin serving?

Each volunteer opportunity may look and feel a little different depending on the one(s) you decide to explore.  In some cases, you may be required to sign-up in advance; while in others, you may just simply have to “show up”.  No matter what the process is for a particular volunteer opportunity, the important thing is to get started.  If you are still unsure about what your next step should be, feel free to stop by the Administration Office before or after any of our Community Worship Services and we will be happy to assist you.

What is the time commitment?

This is one of the advantages of volunteering.  You can tailor your volunteer time to fit your schedule and your season of life.  If schedule is a primary factor in the selection of your volunteer opportunity, each one has a time requirement associated with it so you can find an opportunity that fits your schedule.

Can I make a difference as a volunteer?

Yes! Many people look at the size of LTCC and think that they can’t possibly make a difference.   The truth of the matter is that you can. You don’t have to look deep to see that ministry opportunities abound while people resources are in short supply. God has a calling on our church.  It will take the efforts of all of us in order to achieve His vision. Join the challenge!
To become part of one of our volunteer teams, simply choose a volunteer opportunity that interests you, complete a short volunteer training orientation and commit to being a volunteer.  It’s a decision you won’t regret.

Questions about volunteering?

We love to clarify volunteering requirements. Please reach out if you still have questions.