LTCC Membership


 Membership at Life Touch

At Life Touch, we focus on building a strong community of believers through membership. We believe that Life Touch is a platform for spreading the gospel and a place where we can unite and support each other in our Christian lives. As Paul said, we are all interconnected members of one body and strive to live out this idea within our local church.

The universal Church—the Body of Christ (Romans 12:5)—is composed of all true believers in Christ, and local churches are a microcosm of the universal Church. As believers, we have our names written in the Lamb’s book of life (Revelation 20:12), which is most important. However, it is also important to commit to a local church where we can give our resources, serve others, and be accountable.

Church membership is also essential because there can be no accountability or church discipline without it. First Corinthians 5:1–13 teaches a church to deal with blatant, unrepentant sin in its midst. In verses 12–13, the words inside and outside are used in reference to the church body. We only judge those who are “inside” the church—church members. How can we know who is “inside” or “outside” the church without an official membership roll? See also Matthew 18:17.

While you could remain a guest of Life Touch or even a regular attendee of our weekend services, the real value of Life Touch begins with membership. Membership implies a commitment to the Life Touch family. It’s your way of saying, “Count on me!” In turn, we promise to commit Life Touch resources to meet your spiritual needs. That’s our way of saying, “You can count on us!”

Joining Life Touch Church allows you to be a part of a robust kingdom community and receive blessings and benefits. You can become a member of Life Touch by attending Growth Path online and completing a Membership Covenant Form.