Daily, individuals in our community may feel they face adversity and are unsupported by others, including God or the church. However, what if the residents of Plainfield knew that Life Touch is a group of individuals dedicated to supporting the town? Furthermore, what if our church and personal lives served as a means of spreading the message that Jesus is there to help them? Our belief is that: It’s essential to make people aware that we are on their side so they can understand that Jesus is also on their side.

At Life Touch, we are more than just a church where we attend services; we are a community that comes together inside and outside our physical location. We aim to foster a welcoming atmosphere on Sundays and throughout the week, whether gathered around our kitchen tables, in our backyards, or at our work desks. We strive to support and encourage one another, aiming to ensure that everyone knows that Jesus is on their side.

At our church, we hold the belief that the extent of our compassion will shape God's plan for both our community and individual lives.


Environments FOR People to Explore Jesus

On Sundays, our top priority is to provide welcoming surroundings where individuals of all ages can explore and encounter Jesus.

FOR our Local Partners

We support local partners to achieve their objectives and positively impact their communities. Our commitment to these partnerships is unwavering.

BE FOR 4 People

Commit to intentionally getting in the corner of 4  people in your circle who feel like life, God, or even the Church would be against them.

Let's Connect