October Fast

Fasting Guidelines

The following insights are not intended to be medical advice. I am merely sharing a few disciplines while fasting. I'll enjoy adding to these as The October Fast continues! Love and Prayers,

My Best Practices

1. We all know the importance of water. I try to drink at least 2 liters of mineral or electrolyte-enhanced water each day. I use Baja Gold mineral sea salt or Celtic sea salt. Mix half a t-spoon with at least 8 to 10 oz of water first thing in the morning to hydrate, and then drink as much water as you can during the day.

2. I make a few teas: ginger lemon and ginger cinnamon tea – fresh sliced peeled ginger, lemon, cinnamon sticks with raw honey or Manuka honey.

3. During fasting, I rinse my mouth with mild, warm salt water after brushing and use a tongue scraper.

4. As a spiritual discipline, I try to read books in the areas of my spiritual pursuit.

5. I will be incorporating prayer walks into my daily routine.

Several things that I will be praying about:
The finishing and conclusion of 2024
I am praying with earnestness for 2025

Corporate Disciplines for the Church
Please remember the following text: "This is not a legalistic law or rule, but a recommendation."

A: Everyone participating in the fast should refrain from consuming processed foods, oils, and sugars for the next twenty-one days.

B: Those who are not on any medications should be able to fast from 6am till 6pm. But you should drink a lot of water/fluids.

C: For those on medications/Nursing mothers (breast feeding) ,  you can fast from oils and sugars. That means you can make your meals without sugar and  oil. Eat vegetables, and none acidic fruits and drink milk (if you're not intolerant) or any seed milk of your choice. Avoid all sweets and deserts (for health reasons).

D: Everyone should fast from Television (shows) , Social Media, and all none business/ work related Chats.  Whatever doesn't add to your spiritual sensitivity at this time, should be put aside.

E: When you break your fast at 6pm, PLEASE DO NOT EAT HEAVY FOOD. It could hurt your system. Eat a little bit over a period of 30 minutes to an hour. And remember,  even when breaking the fast in the evening, NO OIL AND SUGAR (SWEETS).

F: Make time within the day for personal prayers. You can take the prayer points from the morning or the day before, OR EVEN ADD YOUR OWN PRAYER POINTS.

H: It's a corporate fast, therefore you need to let people know you're fasting so they can help you. Your family members (who don't attend LTCC), work mates, school mates and people around you, should know you're fasting. If they know, they can help you. Also, let's hold one another accountable (like sister India said), help your brother and sister stay strong through the 21 days.

G: If you know someone who is going through some challenges and need a miracle,  this is a good time to invite them to join us in prayers. You won't believe the miracles that will happen these 21 days.

I: If you have been struggling with some bad habits and you desire to overcome,  these 21 days of fasting and prayers is an opportunity to drop that "weight and sin" (Hebrews 12:1). If, for instance, you've been struggling with drug use, inordinate desire, smoking,  or alcoholism, this fasting can help you become a better person. 21 days of fasting, praying with other comrades 2x a day (6am and 6pm) reading the Bible...wow! No devil, bad habit,  demon or difficult situation can withstand you.

Prayer Schedule

Weekly Prayer Schedule

Monday - Tuesday (Virtual Prayer on Zoom) 6:00 AM & 6:00 PM

Wednesday (Virtual Prayer on Zoom 6:00 AM / In-Person Prayer Service - Plainfield Campus) 7:00 PM

Thursday - Friday (Virtual Prayer on Zoom) 6:00 AM & 6:00 PM

Sunday -  (In-Person Service) Prayer at the Altar 11:00 AM

Daily Activity Calendar

When You Fast

The word fast in the Bible comes from the Hebrew word sum, meaning “to cover” the mouth. It means total abstinence from food. The Greek word usually used and translated fast is nested, meaning “to abstain.” This is for spiritual purposes.  To abstain as a religious exercise from food and drink: either entirely, if the fast lasted a single day, or from customary and choice nourishment if it continued several days.