You're Welcome Here!

We understand that searching for a church home can be a daunting task, and that's why we're here to help. We want to welcome everyone, regardless of their background or beliefs, to our church. Whether you're a newcomer or have been part of a community for years, we are excited to have you join us. At our church, we pride ourselves on creating an inclusive and welcoming environment for all. We understand that not everyone may typically attend a church, but we want to provide a space where everyone can feel comfortable and valued. We invite you to join us this Sunday, either in person or virtually, to see for yourself what our church community is all about. Our goal is to get to know you and support you on your spiritual journey. We believe in the life-changing power of Jesus Christ and are excited to witness it in your life. Thank you for considering us as your spiritual home. We look forward to meeting you soon and answering any questions you may have.

Our Community Worship Services

Our services always begin with a refreshing worship session led by our talented contemporary worship team. The atmosphere is electric as we sing and praise, creating a powerful connection with each other and God. You'll be swept away by the infectious energy of the music and the passion of the people around you. It's an experience that will leave you feeling uplifted and inspired, ready to take on whatever comes your way.

A Church Serving Plainfield, IL

One Church. Two locations

13242 S. Route 59, Plainfield, IL 60585
Sunday | 11:00 AM (CST) 
Sunday | 11:00 AM (CST)
                                    & ON DEMAND                                   

Need Prayer?

There are times when life is overwhelming, and all we have are questions. In those moments, hope can feel far away. The great thing about prayer is that it shifts our perspective toward the One who stands ready to listen. No matter what you’re facing, we’d love to pray with you!

Get More Info

Connect with a pastor to answer any of your questions, get more information about our church, or request prayer. 

Sign Up To Serve

Serving is a great way to live out your faith and get involve in the Life Touch Community.


Give and make an impact. Be part of what God is doing at Life Touch and around the world.

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Sunday Mornings
Wednesday Evenings
Virtual Service

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